Entrevista à RTP Informação

September 30, 2011

Ontem comentei o setor da saúde, em particular a saúde oral, num bloco informativo da RTP Informação.

Destaquei a necessidade de regulação dos seguros de saúde e a importância do Governo continuar a apostar no Programa Nacional de Promoção de Saúde Oral, mais conhecido por cheque-dentista.

Outros assuntos da atualidade, como a crise económica na União Europeia, também foram abordados.

Ver vídeo no YouTube

For english speakers: Interview with a Portuguese tv channel on oral health.


September 30, 2011
At the Sri Ramachandra University for the symposium "Dental - Medical Interaction", situated in Porur, Chennai, India. Was organised by IDA Greater Chennai Branch and Faculty of Dental Sciences Sri Ramachandra University. Here, I'm with George Thomas, IDA Head Office president.

At the Sri Ramachandra University for the symposium "Dental - Medical Interaction", situated in Porur, Chennai, India. Was organised by IDA Greater Chennai Branch and Faculty of Dental Sciences Sri Ramachandra University. Here, I'm with George Thomas, IDA Head Office president.

Sri Ramachandra University symposium

Sri Ramachandra University symposium

Sri Ramachandra University symposium

Sri Ramachandra University symposium

Sri Ramachandra University symposium

Sri Ramachandra University symposium

Sri Ramachandra University symposium

Sri Ramachandra University symposium

Constitution of India at the Sri Ramachandra University Library. This is one of the only  five unique originals.

Constitution of India at the Sri Ramachandra University Library. This is one of the only five unique originals.

In Kolkata, Mother's Teresa House. An encounter with a faith and historical place.

In Kolkata, Mother's Teresa House. An encounter with a faith and historical place.

Around Kolkata streets…

Around Kolkata streets…

In Kolkata, I had a meeting with the Dental Council of India. Representatives of all the regions of India were present, as well academics. I described all the achievements and approaches of FDI regarding the Non-Communicable Diseases. The minister of Health and Family Welfare-Government of India, Mr. Shri Sudip Bandyopadhyay, was also present at the opening

In Kolkata, I had a meeting with the Dental Council of India. Representatives of all the regions of India were present, as well academics. I described all the achievements and approaches of FDI regarding the Non-Communicable Diseases. The minister of Health and Family Welfare-Government of India, Mr. Shri Sudip Bandyopadhyay, was also present at the opening

With Dr. Mahesh Verma (at my side), vice-president of Dental Council of India, and Dr. Shri Sudip Bandyopadhyay, minister

With Dr. Mahesh Verma (at my side), vice-president of Dental Council of India, and Dr. Shri Sudip Bandyopadhyay, minister

Participants and Dr. Dibyendu Mazumdar, president of Dental Council of India, at Dr. Shri Sudip Bandyopadhyay side

Participants and Dr. Dibyendu Mazumdar, president of Dental Council of India, at Dr. Shri Sudip Bandyopadhyay side

Farewell meeting in Mombai, launched by Hon Secretary General Message, IDA, Dr. Ashok Dhoble

Farewell meeting in Mombai, launched by Hon Secretary General Message, IDA, Dr. Ashok Dhoble

Moments from the FDI World Dental Congress Mexico

September 27, 2011

I have already shared some photos of my taking office as FDI president. Now I let you with some more moments from the FDI Annual World Dental Congress, in Mexico.

Before the opening cerimony

Before the opening cerimony

Opening ceremony

Opening ceremony

With the FDI president-elect, TC Wong, from Hong Kong

With the FDI president-elect, TC Wong, from Hong Kong

LOC Mexico

Local Organizing Committee Mexico: Victor Guerrero to my left and Jaime Edelson behind. Also with us, TC Wong and Roberto Vianna.

With George Thomas (left), Indian Dental Association president, and L. Krishna Prasad (right), immediate past president

With George Thomas (left), Indian Dental Association president, and L. Krishna Prasad (right), immediate past president

General Assembly B

General Assembly B

General Assembly B

General Assembly B

At the Japan Night. Here with Gil Fernandes Alves (left) and Ricardo Faria e Almeida (right)

At the Japan Night. Here with Gil Fernandes Alves (left) and Ricardo Faria e Almeida (right)

At the Japan Night

At the Japan Night

Japan Night. Proposing a toast due to my wife's birthday

Japan Night. Proposing a toast due to my wife's birthday

At the Portuguese Embassy. From left, Jean-Luc Eiselé (FDI executive director), myself, João Caetano da Silva (ambassador), Jaime Edelson and Victor Guerrero (both from the Mexican Dental Association and Local Organizing Committee)

At the Portuguese Embassy. From left, Jean-Luc Eiselé (FDI executive director), myself, João Caetano da Silva (ambassador), Jaime Edelson and Victor Guerrero (both from the Mexican Dental Association and Local Organizing Committee)

A portuguese restaurant in Mexico City

A portuguese restaurant in Mexico City

With Torsten Olsen, from the International Dental Tribune

With Torsten Olsen, from the International Dental Tribune

FDI Council meeting with IDM, International Dental Manufacturers

FDI Council meeting with IDM, International Dental Manufacturers

2012 FDI World Dental Congress Organizing Committee, Hong Kong

2012 FDI World Dental Congress Organizing Committee, Hong Kong

Entrevista à revista Saúde Oral

September 26, 2011

Saúde OralRecentemente a revista portuguesa Saúde Oral publicou uma entrevista comigo, aqui disponível em pdf.

Deixo um pequeno excerto:

“O bastonário da Ordem dos Médicos Dentistas (OMD) está numa altura crucial da sua carreira. A meio do quatro mandato como líder da OMD e prestes a assumir as rédeas da FDI, Orlando Monteiro da Silva mostra-se um homem calmo e com a sensação de dever cumprido. É com este médico nortenho, mas cidadão do mundo, que o novo ministro da Saúde, Paulo Macedo, vai ter de “negociar” novos planos e pôr a saúde oral no lugar de destaque que merece. Tranquilo, o bastonário explica que, apesar da austeridade exigida pela “troika”, está confiante num bom entendimento com a tutela. Até porque há mais coisas a unir ambas as partes do que a provar um indesejada rutura.”

The latest number of the Portuguese magazine Saúde Oral (Oral Health) published an interview with me, available here in pdf.

Oral Health included in the United Nations Non Communicable Diseases global strategy

September 21, 2011

Great achievement for FDI-World Dental Federation and all those who advocated for that approach.

Political Declaration from the High Level Meeting adopted by the General Assembly on the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases:

We, Heads of State and Government and representatives of States and Governments, assembled at the United Nations from 19 to 20 September 2011 to address the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases worldwide, with a particular focus on developmental and other challenges and social and economic impacts, particularly for developing countries.

The United Nations “recognize that renal, ORAL and eye diseases pose a major health burden for many countries and that these diseases share common risk factors and can benefit from common responses to NCDs”.

Facing the facts (source FDI):

  • Oral diseases are the most common noncommunicable diseases
  • Some 90% of the world’s population is affected by tooth decay
  • A high proportion suffer from periodontal disease
  • Oral cancer rate high among smokers

Audio recordings of the meetings (source UN):

WHO welcomes adoption of political declaration on prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases. (01:16′, download)

Meeting on noncommunicable diseases should be “wake-up call” for action. World Health Organization (02:45′, download)

Non-communicable diseases a “slow motion disaster”. Dr Margaret Chan, WHO director general (00:27′, download)

Noncommunicable diseases do not have to spell doom for people of the Caribbean Desi Bouterse, president of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) (01:35′, download)

Dr Margaret Chan, World Health Organization (WHO) director general, speaking to the Assembly

Dr Margaret Chan, World Health Organization (WHO) director general, speaking to the Assembly

Jacques Rogge, president of the International Olympic Committee (IOC)

Jacques Rogge, president of the International Olympic Committee (IOC)

HRH Princess Dina Mired, Director General of the King Hussein Cancer Foundation (KHCF), delivers a keynote speech

HRH Princess Dina Mired, director general of the King Hussein Cancer Foundation (KHCF), delivers a keynote speech

Attending Round Table 1 on behalf of FDI- World Dental Federation

Attending Round Table 1 on behalf of FDI- World Dental Federation

I in the UN General Assembly

In the UN General Assembly

With the FDI executive director, Jean Luc Eiselé (left), next to the United Nations building

With the FDI executive director, Jean Luc Eiselé (left), next to the United Nations building

My taking office ceremony as FDI president…

September 15, 2011

My taking office ceremony as FDI president took place yesterday, 14th September, in Mexico City. It’s an exciting new step. I’m very grateful for your support. Please read my speech below.


Your Excellencies
Honoured guests
Ladies and gentlemen

When I attended my first FDI Congress in Paris in 2000, I did not imagine that, 11 years later I would be here, addressing my colleagues in a few days at the Opening Ceremony as FDI President.

It’s a moment of great emotion for me and I would like to take this opportunity to thank those who have supported me along the way, my family, my friends, and my colleagues from the Portuguese Dental Association, Ordem dos Médicos Dentistas, who supported my candidacy.

The work of each president is to lead, strengthen and update policy and strategy in response to new social, political, economic and technological developments. Here are some of my thoughts:

For decades, the dental profession – dental medicine as it should be designated – has limited its scope to the “operative or restorative” approach to dentistry. Today, it is generally agreed that we must move closer to the medical sphere., especially as co-related classic areas of dental medicine, education, prevention, treatment and rehabilitation demand this approach:

Why? Three reasons

  • One, a more and more invasive approach in dental treatment and rehabilitation as well as FDI’s strategic vision of leading the world to optimal oral health;
  • Two, population ageing in some areas of the world; an increased number of medically compromised patients; and increased awareness of patient safety issues;
  • And the third reason: the unequivocal link between noncommunicable diseases like cancer, cardio vascular and respiratory diseases and diabetes with tooth decay and periodontal diseases.

In fact, after this Congress, I will travel to New York to attend the United Nations Summit on NCDs. I will also be there to for the UN launch of an NCD Action Toolkit that FDI has developed, demonstrating its commitment to work through partnerships such as the World Health Professions Alliance.

As for me:

  • My first commitment is to ensure that FDI intensifies its great work with its private sector partners, for example in our Landmark programme Live.Learn.Laugh, or community-based oral health programmes in Africa.
  • My second is to identify ways to complement FDI’s considerable experience in the field of continuing education and ensure FDI continues to fulfil this great tradition.
  • My third commitment is a personal goal as the first Portuguese President: to better integrate the millions of inhabitants of Portuguese-speaking communities of the world into the work of FDI (once in Portuguese, once in English)

It is my personal ambition to support FDI in its efforts to lead them, and the world population in general, to optimal oral health.

Preparing a speech to the Opening Ceremony…

September 8, 2011

..to 2011 FDI Annual World Dental Congress in Mexico City…

When I attended my first FDI Congress in Paris in 2000, I did not imagine that, 11 years later I would be here, addressing my colleagues in a few days at the Opening Ceremony as FDI President.

It’s a moment of great emotion for me and I would like to take this opportunity to thank those who have supported me along the way, my family, my friends, and my colleagues from the Portuguese Dental Association, Ordem dos Médicos Dentistas, who supported my candidacy.

In the next few days, I will be updating this blog with some photos and comments from Mexico City. Keep in touch by subscribing to my e-mail alerts.