Need and Desire in Dentistry

November 19, 2023

Dentistry, like other medical fields, lives in a limbo, in a conflict between its curative and aesthetic aspects.

Between the need to prevent, treat and rehabilitate functions and the desire to look better, to correct, to alter, to whiten, to align the teeth, jaws and attached structures for aesthetic reasons.

This conflict is resolved naturally with a holistic approach to these two inseparable aspects.

Aesthetics and function must fundamentally and for the dentist be integrable.

Clients, that is, all those who in their essence will be able to choose to whom they entrust the improvement or resolution of their perceived needs, more connected to function and felt desires, more connected with aesthetics, tend to separate both aspects.

You can read the full article, in Portuguese or English, in the Portuguese monthly edition of Dentistry magazine:

Open the English version of the article (pdf).

Open the Portuguese version of the article (pdf).